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Online accounting

Comfort and functionality on the 1st place

Our clients are given the possibility of free iFaktury24 app usage. Such service enables a quick generation of sales invoice and sending it directly to the office.
The iFaktury24 app is simple in use and it can be utilized all day long via the Internet connection.
The sales invoice generation may be sent to the Office anytime and from anywhere in the world.

Choose your way of keeping the records

Online accounting gives a chance for choosing the accurate form of keeping records and accountancy. Independent bookkeeping is recommended especially for those who possess enough knowledge in this aspect and are able to avoid mistakes as well as make appropriately the record entries. In order to take comfortable and personalized actions, we provide few forms of cooperation with the client in different scope. 

At the beginning of working with the Comarch ERP iFaktury24 system, depending on needs, client may choose its following modules:
invoices and storage,
invoices and accountancy,
invoices, storage and accountancy.

Models of running an online accountancy

Online working within the cooperation models, including free sharing with the client the Comarch ERP iFaktury24, whence the client sends the documents to our server via IWD module.
The client is working with the Comarch ERP iFaktury24 system or Comarch ERP Klasyka, from where all the data is exported to the computer system present in our server.
The customer operates in one of the systems: WF WAG, Symfonia Handel, Subiekt 5, Subiekt GT, Raks SQL, from where we can import part of the data.
The consumer only provides paper documents, which are assessed in the local system of our office, and they receive information about financial results and tax burden through the chosen means of communication.

Are you interested in cooperation?

You can count on us.
We guarantee the best solutions for your business.